
1、網絡報名:http://wushutournament.org (填寫報名表時需連同繳費證明上傳)

  中文報名表格:ciwsi2021@gmail.com (鄭小姐)
  英文報名表格: alienunited2047@gmail.com (Walter Ng)

3 、填妥報名表格資料後連同繳費證明一起電郵給大會,或WhatsApp / WeChat 給賽事聯繫人鄭小姐,經大會收到資料齊全才確認參加資格。


  1)鄭小姐+852 95755297 (電話/WhatsApp) / 微信WeChat:ZML95755297
  2)Mr. Walter Ng: Phone / WhatsApp: +852 51028175
    Email: alienunited2047@gmail.com

Application Method

1、Online registration: http://wushutournament.org

(When filling out the registration form, please upload together with the proof of payment)

2、Download the registration form from website (http://wushutournament.org), fill it out and send to the following email:

     Chinese registration form: ciwsi2021@gmail.com (Ms Zheng)

     English registration form:alienunited2047@gmail.com (Walter Ng)

3 、Please fill in the application form, pay the fee and write the name of the participants on the payment slip or deposit slip and send to the organizer by the following contact. Eligibility to participate will be confirmed only after the organizer has received all the documents and required information.


            1)(Chinese)Ms Zheng +852 95755297 (Phone/WhatsApp) / WeChat:ZML95755297

            2)(English & Chinese) Mr. Walter Ng:      Phone/WhatsApp: +852 51028175

                         Fax: 852-30111240                                      Email: alienunited2047@gmail.com