

  1. 拳術、器械、對練/對拆或武術操項目,不可超過2 分鐘、也不可少於30 秒
  2. 太極類、傳統功法和氣功項目,不可超過4 分鐘、也不可少於30 秒



  1. 影片視頻要求:視頻必須要清晰光度明顯,解像度最少要求(1080 解象度),違例者將作不通過處理。
  2. 參賽運動員必需穿著武術服或運動服作全程比賽視頻影片拍攝,違例者將作不通過處理。
  3. 演練場地不設大小限制,但需為空曠平地。
  4. 運動員在比賽項目錄制完成前不可以離開視頻,違例者將作不通過處理。
  5. 所有錄像過程必須一鏡到底,如發現視頻有剪接處理過,違例者將作不通過處理。
  6. 視頻影片不能制造任何特效或搭配音樂以增强演練效果,違例者將作不通過處理。
  7. 提交视頻前請認真檢閱,必須為全新視頻,不能使用以往參賽視頻,違例者將作不通過處理。
  8. 比賽影片必須按章程要求拍攝,違例者將作不通過處理。





香港獲獎者亦可在辦公時間親臨以下地址領取:香港荔枝角醫局西街1033 號源盛工業大廈1203 室









Regulations for tournament video

Tournament video time length restrictions :

         1) Fist techniques, equipment, pair practice or martial arts exercises shall not exceed 2 minutes or less than 30 seconds

         2) Tai Chi, traditional skills and Qigong cannot be longer than 4 minutes or less than 30 Seconds


Notes for video shots:

  1. Film and video requirements: the video must be clear, with obvious luminosity and  minimum resolution of 1080 pixels. Violated submissions will not be processed

  2. Contestants must wear martial arts clothes or sportswear for video shooting of the  whole competition. Violated submissions will not be processed

  3. There is no size limit on the drill site, but it needs to be open and flat

  4. Athletes are not allowed to leave the video screen before the completion of the recording. Violated submissions will not be processed.

  5. All footage must be shot in one take. If the video is found to have been edited. Violated submissions will not be processed.
  6. The video cannot create any special effects or match music to enhance the effect of the drill. Violated submissions will not be processed.

  7. Please review the video carefully before submitting, it must be original and cannot be used from previous entries.

  8. Competition videos must be filmed in accordance with the requirements of the regulations

Award arrangement

After the competition, the conference will arrange an offline award ceremony, and the winners are invited to receive the award in person. Overseas winners are welcome to come to Hong Kong to receive the prize in person. If they fail to come to Hong Kong, the medal and certificate will be mailed to the winner according to the address in the registration form. Shipping costs are prepaid or paid on delivery.


Hong Kong winners can also collect them in person at the following address during office hours: Room 1203, Yuan Shing Industrial Building, 1033 Yee Kuk West Street, Lai Chi Kok, Hong Kong


The Organizer reserves the right to make any changes or amendments to the competition rules or regulations. There will be no arbitration or appeals and the decision of the judges will be final. Insurance: all participants shall take out personal accident insurance by themselves before the competition. If any accident occurs during the recording of the competition video, the participant or the insurance company concerned shall be responsible for it.


Chinese Wushu Inheritance – International Wushu Tournament Organizing Committee,

China International Wushu Institute